THe fringe strip

Best Selling Fringe Strips

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What is a Fringe Strip™?

The Fringe Strip™ is a game-changing self-applying fringe that can be put onto or taken off any basic t-shirt! No tools required. Users can take the fringe on and off within minutes. By doing so, you can use one fringe for many shirts and switch up your style all while saving money and keeping the commandments!


Conveient Way To Keep Numbers 15:38

Fringe Strips are an easy way to keep the commandment of Number 15:38:

38 Speak to the Israelites, and tell them to make fringes on the corners of their garments throughout their generations and to put a blue cord on the fringe at each corner. 39 You have the fringe so that, when you see it, you will remember all the commandments of YHWH and do them, and not follow the lust of your own heart and your own eyes. 40 So you shall remember and do all my commandments, and you shall be holy to your YHWH . – NRSV



Fringe Strips are self-applying, no tools required. It can take 1-3 minutes to put one on. Use different colors and styles for different outfits, and your entire closet is Fringed Up!



Fringe Strips are reusable. One Fringe Strip can be used on many different shirts; and we’ve even seen people put them on dresses and jackets!


Removable & Long Lasting

Regular fringes, that are sowed on to shirts, can be hard to care for, wash, and/or manage. Fringe Strips are removeable! Wash your shirts without the hassle of your fringes getting destroyed in the washer!

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